Token Validation
When you initialize your CASClient, it will first check the validity of your API token with the CAS backend. If your token is valid and there are no other issues, it will print a list of available models for you to use for annotating your cell data.
Data Validation
Next, when you pass your data to one of the client object’s annotate methods, it will validate the format of your data to ensure it can be properly processed by CAS. At the moment, this means checking if the matrix corresponds to a CAS schema before sending it to the backend.
Data Sanitization
If there are any issues during validation that can be resolved with sanitization, the client will do one of the following:
Fill missing features with zeros.
Omit extra features.
Check your quota
Your CAS account has a quota for the number of cells that you can annotate each week. If the data you have provided would exceed that quota, the client will raise an exception and inform you of the issue.
The default quota value for a new account is 100,000 cells per week. You can increase your quota by filling out the feedback form that is linked in the output when you complete a call to annotate your data.
You can check your total and remaining quota, along with its reset date, by calling the following method on CASClient:
Data Transfer to the Backend
If all those checks pass without issue, the CASClient will split your input data matrices into smaller shards and asynchronously send them to the backend to be annotated. The processing is done in shards as opposed to one large batch to maximize processing speed.